唐人街搭台唱戏 (Chinese Drama Culture Preserved in China Town)

富兰克林雕像 (The Curious Case of Benjamin and Ying)

时代广场众生态 (My Best Shot of NYC)

布鲁克林大桥 (Brooklyn Bridge)

宾大胡桃小径 (Painful Walking on Walnut Street)

驶向自由女神像 (Sail the Albion)

眺 (Look What We Found!)

虔诚 (Pilgrims)

一只鸟的落寂 ('I am tired, you
engine-driven bastard!')

千百个菩萨 (buddhas)

独立大厅 (Independence Hall)

纽约大学物理系外 (An impromptu lecture at NYU?)

毛像 (Madness Against Oppression)

第五大道 (A Japanese Woman at 5th Ave)

自由女神们 (Statues of Liberty)

阿弥陀佛 (Eternity and Aging)

画像 (Chinese Painter and a European Girl)

硬币引导人民 (Quarter beats the torch!)

鸥 (Seagull)

年轻的画家 (Young Artist)

宾州大学物理楼外 (Outside of UPenn Physics Building)

马来西亚煲汤馆 (Malaysia Cafe with John Lennon's Lyric)

中央公园大道 (Boulevard of Central Park)

布鲁克林大桥吊索 (Brooklyn Bridge)

独立钟外天空 (Sky and Flowers Outside of Independence Bell Exhibit)

依靠 (Lean on me)

偶遇友人 (Friends)

时代广场 (E Times C Square)

驶离纽约 (Oh Miss Liberty)

阳光打在发梢 (Dancing Sunshine)